We provide treatment services for adults with alcohol, opioid, and other substance use disorders. We are currently located in Louisiana, Massachusetts, North Carolina, New Jersey, Ohio, Texas, and Washington. Gratitude can be an incredibly useful tool throughout your recovery. You’ll also notice the small improvements you make, the support you get from friends and family and the beauty of sober living. While you may have regrets about your addiction and past, use the power of words to help you move on to a place of acceptance. When you think or talk about your addiction, always follow up with where you are now.
Madonna Opens Up About Health Scare, Expresses Gratitude To Lifesavers – WE News – WE News –
Madonna Opens Up About Health Scare, Expresses Gratitude To Lifesavers – WE News.
Posted: Tue, 19 Dec 2023 08:00:00 GMT [source]
There is no longer an appreciation for the benefits of sobriety or the loved ones who may be hurt by your addiction. Sometimes, writing a gratitude letter can seem daunting, especially importance of gratitude in recovery if you have trouble putting your feelings into words. If you are not about words of affirmation, there are other ways to show people you appreciate having them in your life.
Do You Need Help Finding Sources of Gratitude in Recovery?
Your progress is an achievement, and you can only appreciate the good when you acknowledge the bad. Many times people with an alcohol use disorder (AUD) or substance use disorder (SUD) can quickly go down this path of negative thinking. And, for those in recovery, this can lead to the development of resentments. According to the Alcoholics Anonymous Big Book, resentment is the number one offender and can kill those with AUD or SUD. Developing an attitude of gratitude comes easily for some and for others takes some practice and habit-building.
Pick one night, perhaps Sunday, and write in detail about three things that you were grateful for that week. Perhaps the greatest impact gratitude can have on your life and your recovery is by improving your mental health. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, more than half of https://ecosoberhouse.com/ adults and more than 60 percent of adolescents with substance use issues also have co-occurring mental health issues. These typically include issues like major depression, anxiety disorders, bipolar disorder, ADHD, PTSD, personality disorders, autism spectrum disorders, and schizophrenia.
Write Thank-You Notes
But if you take a step back and focus on the best in others, it can help you feel more grateful for the people in your life. Try to see the good in your friends, family, and co-workers, and let go of any resentment or anger you may be holding onto. One of the best ways to feel grateful is to give back and help others. Whether volunteering, donating to a worthy cause, or simply lending a listening ear, giving back is a great way to practice gratitude in recovery. When we take the focus off of ourselves and our problems, we can see all of the ways we are fortunate and have so much to offer.
These are suggestions for turning around your perspective from a place of fear to a place of empowerment and appreciation. Doing so might help you respond to experiences differently and help you take charge of your life. Engaging in a spiritual or mindfulness practice like meditation, yoga, or prayer can better connect with your body’s capabilities and create space in our lives to reflect on thoughts of gratitude. Furthermore, studies show that gratitude enhances empathy and reduces aggression towards others. As individuals become more grateful for what they have, they tend to appreciate others’ efforts and become less critical of them. Gratitude for even the smallest courtesies can promote a consistent sense of thankfulness.